Sunday 12 August 2012

Operating System (subjective question)

Operating System
Part 2

Q.1. Give the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing.
Q.2. Differentiate between pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling.
Q.3. What is assembly language? What kinds of statements are present in an assembly
language program? Discuss. Also highlight the advantages of assembly language.
Q.4 Define the following
       (i) Process;
       (ii) Process Control Block; (PCB)
      (iii) Multi programming;
      (iv)Time sharing.
Q.5. Explain any three policies for process scheduling that uses resource consumption
       information. What is response ratio?
Q.6. What are the different parameter passing mechanisms to a function? Explain with
       the help of example?
Q.7. What is an operating system? List the typical functions of operating systems.
Q.8. What are interrupts? How are they handled by the operating system?
Q.9. Define process. Describe the contents of a Process Control Block (PCB).
Q.10. What is swapping? Does swapping increase the Operating Systems’ overheads?
      Justify your answer.
Q.11 Give difference between assembler, compiler and interpreter.
Q.12 what are the advantages and disadvantages of macro pre-processor?
Q.13. What are the disadvantages of FCFS scheduling algorithm as compared to shortest
job first (SJF) scheduling?
Q.14 What data structure is used by an operating system to keep track of process
information? Explain
Q.15. Categorize the CPU scheduling algorithms? Explain non-pre-emptive algorithms?
Q.16. Differentiate between Batch Operating System and Time Sharing Operating System?
Q.17. Describe the essential properties of the following operating systems
Real Time and Distributed Operating System
Q.18 Compare pre-emptive and non-preemptive scheduling policies.
Q.19 What is dispatcher ?.
Q.20. Explain the states of process using digrm..



  1. Great collection!This is really a useful and creative resource for me!!Thanks this useful posting!!

  2. @pcb assembly ... thnx bro. for any query about any related topics u can comment or mail us..... :)
