Sunday 12 August 2012

C language ......Introduction

Introduction :
Where c language stands ?
Naturally a language is the source of communication between two persons, and also between person to machine like computer. The languages we can use to communicate with the computer are known as Computer programming languages.
Generally there are two major types of languages are available are as follows :
1) Low level language
2) High level language
Low level language : This language is hardware dependent i.e it is not portable . Programming in this language is tough becouse the set of command in this language is complex . e.g assanbly language and machine language
High level language : The set of commands available in high level language is very simple and easy to understandable.
It is not hardware dependent .Programe written in one machine can be transferred to another machine. It is also of  two type
                                            1)Procedural language : In this category we are able to create our project or programs using proceduralapproach means in this type we can able to divide our big project/program into small subroutines or procedures. After making procedures we can able to call a‘procedure’ one or more places .e.g  JAVA ,PASCAL
                                            2)Non procedural language: This category also known as ‘Problem Oriented languages’. In this type of languages we can able to make program only at specific range like database. E.g. SQL ,SNOBOL

The C language is between these two categories. Since we use C for both i.e. for a good programming efficiency as well as for good machine efficiency. This is why it is called middle level language.
 History of C :
Dennis  Rithcie developed the C language in 1970’s at bell laboratories. It was written originally for programming under UNIX operating system, which itself was later rewritten almost entirely in C. It is adapted from a language Basic Combined Programming Language (BCPL).
Application of C :
The C language is mainly used in three sectors:
1)   System programming
2)   Graphics Programming
3)   As a host language in developing applications

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